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Peripheral Arterial Intervention

Angioplasty - Stenting - Atherectomy - LASER

What is it?

  • Peripheral arterial intervention is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure used to treat peripheral artery disease, which causes plaque buildup in the arteries leading to the organs, head, arms and most commonly the legs. Plaque buildup is also called atherosclerosis.

  • The goal of peripheral arterial intervention is to restore the flow of blood to the lower extremities, eliminating pain, numbness or need for amputation.

  • Different modalities of arterial intervention may be used either alone or in combination.

  • These may include:

Balloon Angioplasty (PTA)

Drug-coated Balloon Angioplasty (DEB)

Directional Atherectomy (shaving linear parts of the plaque) 

e.g. Hawk One, Turbo Hawk

Rotational Atherectomy (Rotating a burr to ablate the plaque) 

e.g. Rotablator/Rotapro, CSI Diamondback, Jetstream

Lithotripsy (Ultrasound to break up calcium deposits) 

e.g. Shockwave

LASER Ablation


Drug-eluting Stenting (DES)

Stent Graft Systems

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